Our research field is categorized into areas of composite materials, vibration analysis and structural mechanics whereby finite element analysis, numerical methods and experimental works are performed. The experimental works are also carried out in Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
Composite materials and mechanics
- Impact and compression-after-impact (CAI) behaviour of Vectran-stitched composites
- Interlaminar strength of stitched composites
- Fatigue damage mechanisms of Vectran-stitched composites
- Open hole tension and compression of stitched composites
- Homogenization method for 2D and 3D composites
- Damage analysis in three-dimensional orthogonal interlocked composites
- Damage analysis in woven composites
- FE analysis of ceramic matrix composites
Analysis of Materials and Advanced Systems
- Vibration suppression system using thin-film with viscous lamina
- Eigenvalue analysis for coupled system of air and plate
- Dynamic analysis of fluid and rubber-like membrane interaction
- Crash analysis of structures
- Finite deformation analysis of elasto-plasticity using Ilyushin method
Structural Health Monitoring
- Damage characterization in stiffened panels under three-point bending and tension using FBG
- INSTRON MODEL 8802; load capacity: max 25t (compression), max 10t (tension); chamber temp: -60 deg C to +300 deg C
- INSTRON MODEL 4505; load capacity: max 10t; three-point bending, compression
- Structural health monitoring facility using Fiber Bragg Grating
- Ultrasonic C-scan for damage detection system: GSONIC SCAN 6AX6000; Scanning area: 600 x 600 x 400 mm
- Environmental bath (B&K)
- Cutting machine for CFRP (AC400F)
- FE packages/compiler: ABAQUS, MSC.Patran, MSC.Fatigue, MSC.Marc, MatLab, Fortran