This page contains the record of academic events (e.g. students attending conferences) and special events (e.g. drinking party, bowling tournament, etc.)
2015/03/21 | Ridlo Nasution(D3)、後藤徳理(M2)、三上恵仁(M2)、青木亮一郎、井上朋子、原田流邦、久田康貴、中村 諭の8名卒業しました。 |
2015/02/17 | Jonny Herwan(D3)、Worawat Parasil(D3)、Chanthanumataporn Saharat(D2)、Joshi Prabij(D2)の4名が公開期末評価(後期)で発表しました。 |
2015/02/13 | B4の青木亮一郎、井上朋子、原田流邦、久田康貴、中村 諭の5名が卒業論文発表会で発表しました。 |
2015/02/10 | D3のRidlo Nasutionが博士論文公聴会で発表しました。 |
2015/02/05〜06 | M2の後藤徳理、三上恵仁の2名が修士論文公聴会で発表しました。 |
2015/01/23 | M1の吉田拓矢が公開期末評価(後期)でポスター発表を行いました。 |
2014/09/30 | B4の植木元紀が卒業しました。 |
2014/09/18〜21 | 後藤徳理(M2)が秋田大学で開催された「第39回複合材料シンポジウム」で研究発表を行いました。 |
2014/09/08〜10 | 三上恵仁(M2)がアメリカで開催された「ASC-29/US-Japan-16/ASTM-D3」で研究発表を行いました。 |
2014/08/06〜08 | 吉田拓矢(M1)が浜松で開催された「第56回構造強度に関する講演会」で研究発表を行いました。 |
2014/07/18〜21 | 吉田拓矢(M1)が福島大学で開催された「日本機械学会 M&M2014材料力学カンファレンス」で研究発表を行いました。 |
2014/06/22〜26 | Ridlo Nasution(D3) andJonny Herwan(D2) presented their research in ECCM-16 in Serbia, Spain. |
2014/04/03 | Ryoi-chiro AOKI, Tomoko INOUE, Ryuho HARADA and Yasutaka HISADA joined our laboratory as B4 students. |
2014/04/01 | Takuya YOSHIDA joined our laboratory as Master course student. |
2013/12/17 | Year-end party (bonenkai) was held in Shoya |
2013/11/20 | Watanabe Laboratory members visited composite manufacturer NACT. |
2013/10/24 | Welcome party for new PhD students Chanthanumataporn Saharat and Prabij Joshi was held in Shoya. |
2013/10/23 | High-school students visited our laboratory. |
2013/10/2~4 | Watanabe Lab participated in ASET2013 at Tokyo Big Sight |
2013/09/24 | Chanthanumataporn Saharat from Thailand and Prabij Joshi from Nepal join our laboratory as Ph.D. student (D1) |
2013/09/24~27 | Jonny Herwan (D1) presented his research in 9th Japan-Korea Composite Symposium in Kagoshima |
2013/08/7~9 | Prof Watanabe presented our research papers in 55th Structural Strength Conference in Hokkaido |
2013/7/28~8/2 | Dr Arief Yudhanto, Ridlo Nasution (D2) and Yasuhito Mikami (M1) presented their research in ICCM19 in Montreal, Canada. |
2013/04/04 | Welcome party for Dr Satoshi Morooka and B4 students was held at Shoya near Toyoda station |
2013/04/04 | Yagi Takahito, Morohoshi T, Ueki Motonori and Yoshida Takuya joined our laboratory as B4 students. |
2013/04/01 | Dr Satoshi Morooka, Dr Atsushi Kondo and Dr Arief Yudhanto joined our laboratory as Assistant Professor, Visiting Researcher and Research Assistant Professor, respectively. |
2013/03/25 | Arief Yudhanto (D3), Yoshiaki Tabuchi (M2), Tatsuya Fukui (M2), Yasuhito Mikami (B4), Satoshi Kunieda (B4) and Sayoko Oda (B4) graduated from our university |
2013/03/7~9 | Arief Yudhanto (D3), Ridlo Nasution (D1) and Yousuke Oishi (B4) presented their research in 4th Joint Symposium on Composite Materials (JCCM4) at Tokyo University |
2013/02/13 | M2 and B4 students presented their bachelor's thesis during Progress Seminar. Graduation party for Doctor, M2 and B4 students was held at Shoya. |
2012/11/6~8 | Dr Atsushi Kondo, Arief Yudhanto (D3), Ridlo Nasution (D2) and Yousuke Oishi (M1) presented their research in Asia-Australasia Conference on Composites Materials (ACCM8) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
2012/10/18~19 | Prof Naoyuki Watanabe, Ridlo Nasution (D1) and Yousuke Oishi (M1) presented their research in Symposium on Composites Materials, Nagoya |
2012/10/9~14 | Watanabe Laboratory members exhibited their research in Japan International Aerospace Exhibition (JA2012), Port Messe, Nagoya |
2012/10/1~3 | Prof Naoyuki Watanabe, Dr Atsushi Kondo, Arief Yudhanto (D3), and Ridlo Nasution (D1) presented their research in 15th US-Japan Conference on Composites Materials, Arlington, Texas, USA |
2012/10/01 | Jonny Herwan from Indonesia and Worawat Parasil from Thailand joined our laboratory as Ph.D. student (D1) |
2012/09/8~12 | Prof Naoyuki Watanabe, Dr Atsushi Kondo, Arief Yudhanto (D3), and Yousuke Oishi (M1) presented their research in 10th China-Japan Joint Conference on Composites, Chengdu City & Jiuzhaigou, China |
2012/08/1~3 | Prof Naoyuki Watanabe, Dr Atsushi Kondo, Arief Yudhanto (D3), Ridlo Nasution (D1), Yoshiaki Tabuchi (M2) and Yousuke Oishi (M1) presented their research in 54th Conference on Structural Strength, Kumamoto. |
2012/06/24~07/3 | Prof Naoyuki Watanabe, Arief Yudhanto (D3) and Ridlo Nasution (D1) presented their works in ECCM15 in Venice, Italy; Automobili Lamborghini (Modena, Italy) and Airbus (Bremen, Germany). |
2012/05/25 | Prof Naoyuki Watanabe presented our research works in research salon at Minami Osawa Campus. |
2012/04/5 | Yasuhito Mikami, Satoshi Kunieda and Sayoko Oda joined our laboratory as B4 students. We have welcome party for Dr Kondo and B4 students at Shoya. |
2012/04/4 | Dr Atsushi Kondo joined our laboratory as Research Associate Professor |
2012/03/7~9 | Arief Yudhanto (D3), Ridlo Nasution (D1) and Yousuke Oishi (B4) presented their research at the 3rd Joint Symposium on Composite Materials (JCOM-41/JSCM2012) in Campus Plaza, Kyoto |
2012/02/27 | Farewell party for Dr Shumpei Ozawa, Dr Hikaru Hoshi, Satoshi Takahashi and Kenichiro Matoba was held at Shoya. |
2012/02/13 | Norimasa Goto (B4) and Yosuke Osihi (B4) presented their bachelor's thesis. Graduation party for M2 and B4 students was held at Shoya. |
2012/02/7 | Satoshi Takahashi (M2) and Kenichiro Matoba (M2) presented their master's thesis |
2012/01/10~11 | Prof Watanabe promoted Asian Human Resource Fund and Arief Yudhanto (D3) presented his research in the AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology (RCMeAe4) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam |
2011/11/16~18 | Ridlo Nasution (D1) presented his research in 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, Changwon, Korea |
2011/11/03 | Watanabe Laboratory exhibited its research outcomes in System Design Forum in TMU, Hino Campus |
2011/11/01 | Welcome party for Ridlo Nasution (D1) was held at Shoya near Toyoda station |
2011/10/26~28 | Watanabe Laboratory exhibited its research outcomes in Tokyo Aerospace Exhibition 2011 (ASET 2011) in Tokyo Big Sight |
2011/10/01 | Ridlo Nasution joined our laboratory as Ph.D. student (D1) |
2011/09/11~15 | Tan Kwek Tze (D3), Arief Yudhanto (D2) presented there works in 6th International Conference on Fracture, Composites and Adhesives in Switzerland. Tan Kwek Tze won Best Poster Award
2011/08/21~26 | Tan Kwek Tze (D3), Satoshi Takahashi (M2) presented there works in 18th International Committee on Composite Materials (ICCM18) in South Korea.
2011/08/9 | We held drinking party to congratulate on finish of first semester at Shoya near Toyoda station.
2011/07/27~29 | Professor Naoyuki Watanabe, Tan Kwek Tze (D3), Yoshiaki Tabuchi (M1), Hisao Toda (M1), Tatsuya Fukui (M1) presented their works in the "53rd Conference on Structural Strength" in Akita City, Japan
2011/07/11~15 | Assistant professor Shumpei Ozawa and Suguru Takahashi(M1) presented their works in 4th International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space in Germany. Shunpei Ozawa won Best Poster Award
2011/07/12 | Tan Kwek Tze(D3) presented his doctor thesis.
2011/06/28~30 | Tan Kwek Tze(D3) and Arief Yudhanto(D2) presented their works in 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS16) in Portugal |
2011/06/10~12 | Arief Yudhanto (D2) presented his works in Annual Meeting of Science and Technology Studies (AMSTECS 2011) in GRIPS and Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo. He won best presentation award. |
2011/06/5~12 | Suguru Takahashi(M1) presented his works in 28th ISTS(The 28th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science) in Okinawa |
2011/05/20 | Assistant professor Shunpei Ozawa won the Japan Welding Society interface bonding research award |
2011/04/21 | Assistant professor Shunpei Ozawa won the Japan Welding Society presentation award |
2011/04/07 | Yousuke Oishi, Norimasa Goto, Satoru Nakamura joined our laboratory |
2011/03/22 | Tatsuya Hukui, Suguru Takahashi, Hisao Toda graduated |
2011/03/4~5 | Arief Yudhanto (D1) presented his work in the 3rd Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology (RCMeAe) in Manila, Philippines |
2010/12/8 | Prof Paolo Feraboli and Ms Bonnie Wade from Automobili Lamborghini, Advanced Compsoites Structures Laboratory, University of Washington, paid a visit to our laboratory. |
2010/11/15~18 | Tan Kwek-Tze (D3) and Satoshi Takahashi (M1) presented their works in the 7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials in Taipei, Taiwan |
2010/11/7~9 | Tan Kwek-Tze, Arief Yudhanto & Agus Trilaksono participated in Tokyo Asian Month at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government |
2010/10/1 | Agus Trilaksono from Indonesian Aerospace joined our laboratory as PhD student |
2010/09/22~28 | Suguru Takahashi (B4) presented his work in the "8th Japan-China-Korea Workshop on Microgravity Sciences" in Sendai, Japan. He won three awards, namely Best Poster Award, Excellent Poster Award and Accessit Award. He also attended 106th Steel Conference in Sapporo |
2010/09/24 | Prof Watanabe and Arief Yudhanto (D1) visited Instron Corporation in Boston, Massachusetts, USA |
2010/09/20~23 | Tan Kwek-Tze (D2) and Arief Yudhanto (D1) presented their works in the "14th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials" in Dayton, Ohio, USA |
2010/09/6~9 | Tan Kwek-Tze (D2) presented his work in the "9th China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials" in Huhhot, Inner Mongolia, China |
2010/07/21~23 | Arief Yudhanto (D1), Satoshi Takahashi (M1) and Kenichiro Matoba (M1) presented their works in the "52nd Conference on Structural Strength" in Tottori City, Japan |
2010/06/7~10 | Tan Kwek-Tze (D2), Arief Yudhanto (D1) and Satoshi Takahashi (M1) presented their works in the "14th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-14)" in Budapest, Hungary |
2010/04/6 | Yoshiaki Tabuchi, Hisao Toda and Suguru Takahashi joined our laboratory as B4 students. And, we had a drinking party in Uotami Restaurant, near Toyoda Station. |
2010/03/19 | Takahashi Satoshi, Matoba Kenichiro, Fukumoto Takahiro and Miyakoshi Eitarou attended Graduation Ceremony. |
2010/03/9 | Tan Kwek Tze (D2) and Takahashi Satoshi (B4) attended "1st Japan Conference of Composite Materials (JCCM-1)" held in Kyoto. |
2010/02/9 | Drinking party for M2 students, Eitarou Miyakoshi and Takahiro Fukumoto, was held in Watamin Chi (sounds like Vitamin C! but it means People's Place [to build] Friendship) in front of Toyoda Station |
2009/11/6 | Welcome party for Arief Yudhanto was held in Uotami Restaurant, near Toyoda Station. |
2009/10/1 | New PhD student Arief Yudhanto from Indonesia joined our lab. |
2009/9/24-26 | Hikaru Hoshi (Research Assistant Professor), Tan Kwek Tze (first year doctor student) and Eitaro Miyakoshi (second year master student) attended "Symposium of Composite Materials (34th meeting) & 7th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Composite Materials" held in Kanazawa. |
2009/4/8 | We had a drinking party at Watami near the Toyoda Station. Second party was at Sakura Suisan. |
2009/4/8 | New undergraduate students Satoshi Takahashi, Tatsuya Fukui and Kenichiro Matoba joined our lab. |
2009/4/1 | New Research Assistant Professor Hikaru Hoshi joined our lab. |
2009/3/23 | Graduation Ceremony was held. Second year master students Shintaro Ito , Akihiro Okumura , Maki Sano and undergraduate students Kunihiko Harada, Yutaka Kiyamura , Mizuki Takase , Masatsugu Hasuzawa graduated. |
2008/12/19 | We had end of the year party at Wanya near the Toyoda Station. Second party was at Yoro. |
2008/10/29 | Maki Sano (second year master student) attended "China-Japan Conference of Composite Materials (8th meeting)" held in Sapporo city, Hokkaido. She presented her paper on "Interlaminar toughness of vectran-stitched CFRP laminates". |
2008/10/27-28 | Shintaro Ito and Maki Sano (second year master student) attended "Symposium of Composite Materials (33th meeting)" held in Sapporo city, Hokkaido. |
2008/10/1 | New PhD student Tan Kwek Tze from Singapore joined our lab. |
2008/8/9-10 | Entrance exam of graduate college was held and we had a drinking party. |
2008/7/30-8/1 | Shintaro Ito and Maki Sano (second year master student) and Takahiro Fukumoto (first year master student) attended "Conference Concerning Structural Intensity (50th meeting)" held in Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka. |
2008/4/15 | Masatsugu Hasuzawa joined in our lab. |
2008/4/11 | We had a drinking party at Sakura Suisan near the Toyoda Station. Second party was at Uotami. |
2008/4/10 | Assistant Professor Shumpei Ozawa and undergraduate students Kunihiko Harada, Yutaka Kiyamura and Mizuki Takase joined our lab. |