FY2015 (H26)
Journal papers
Muhammad Ridlo Erdata Nasution, Naoyuki Watanabe and Atsushi Kondo: Numerical study on thermal buckling of CFRP-Al honeycomb sandwich composites based on homogenization-localization analysis, Composite Structures, 132, 709-719, Nov. 2015.
K.T. Tan, Naoyuki Watanabe and Yutaka Iwahori: Finite element model for compression after impact behaviour of stitched composites, Composites Part B, 79, 53-60, Sep. 2015.
Michiko Nishiyama, Hirotaka Igawa, Tokio Kasai and Naoyuki Watanabe: Distributed strain measurement based on long gauge FBG and delayed transmission/reflection ratiometric reflectometry for dynamic structural deformation monitoring, Applied Optics, 54, 1191-1197, May 2015.
Arief Yudhanto, Gilles Lubineau, Isaac Aguilar Ventura, Naoyuki Watanabe, Yutaka Iwahori and Hikaru Hoshi: Damage characteristics in 3D stitched composites with various stitch parameters under in-plane tension, Composites Part A, 71, 17-31, Apr. 2015.
Conference proceedings
Prabij Joshi, Satoshi Morooka, Atsushi Kondo, Hikaru Hoshi and Naoyuki Watanabe: Study Effect on stitch orientation on open-hole carbon-fibre/epoxy laminates using finite element method, 20th International conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 Jul. 2015.
Jonny Herwan, Atsushi Kondo, Satoshi Morooka and Naoyuki Watanabe: ENF test simulation of stitched composites based on shear testing results of single stitched laminates, 20th International conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 Jul. 2015.
Atsushi Kondo, Yutaka Iwahori, Hirotaka Igawa and Naoyuki Watanabe: Stractural Analysis of Composite Bulkhead Considering Variability due to VaRTM Process, 20th International conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 Jul. 2015.
Saharat Chanthanumataporn, Naoyuki Watanabe and Satoshi Morooka: Viscous damping effect of surrounding air on vibrating sandwich plate, The 22th International Congress on sound and vibration, Florence, Italy, 12-16 Jul. 2015
Worawat Parasil and Naoyuki Watanabe: The effects of tank depth on the nonlinear behaviors of fluid-membrane interaction in rectangular tank, The 22th International Congress on sound and vibration, Florence, Italy, 12-16 Jul. 2015.
Domestic conference proceedings
Nasution MRE,渡辺直行:厚さ方向の周期性を緩和した複合構造のための均質化と局所化に基づく応力解析,第57回構造強度に関する講演会、岡山理科大学、8月7日、2015.
井上朋子,諸岡 聡,近藤篤志,岡田孝雄,渡辺直行:純アルミニウム摩擦撹拌接合部の強度予測,第57回構造強度に関する講演会、岡山理科大学、8月7日、2015.
FY2014 (H25)
Journal papers
Herwan J, Kondo A, Morooka S, Watanabe N. Effect of stitch density and stitch thread thickness on the mode II delamination properties of Vectran-stitched composites, Plastic, Rubber and Composites, Vol. 43, pp. 300-308, 2014.
Yudhanto A, Watanabe N, Iwahori Y, Hoshi H. Effect of stitch density on fatigue characteristics and damage mechanisms in stitched carbon/epoxy composites, Composites Part A, Vol. 60, pp. 52-65, 2014.
Nasution MRE, Watanabe N, Kondo A, Yudhanto A. Thermomechanical properties and stress analysis of 3-D textile composites by asymptotic expansion homogenization method, Composites Part B, Vol. 60, p. 378-391, 2014.
Nasution MRE, Watanabe N, Kondo A, Yudhanto A. A Novel Asymptotic Expansion Homogenization Analysis for 3-D Composite with Relieved Periodicity in the Thickness Direction, Composites science and Technology, Vol. 97, p. 63-73, 2014.
Conference proceedings
Mikami Y, Yoshimura A, Tsuji R, Watanabe N.High-velocity impact characteristic of stitched carbon/epoxy composites, 16th US-JAPAN Conf. Comp. Mater., USA, Sep. 2014.
Herwan J, Kondo A, Morooka S, Watanabe N. Effect of Stitching Parameter on Mode II Delamination Properties of Vectran Stitched Composites, ECCM-16, Seville, Spain, 22-26 Jun. 2014.
Nasution MRE, Watanabe N, Kondo A, Yudhanto A. Homogenization Analysis of 3-D Composites Using Finite Thickness Unit-cell Model, ECCM-16, Seville, Spain, 22-26 Jun. 2014.
Domestic conference proceedings
吉田拓矢、星 光、諸岡 聡、渡辺直行:CFRP曲がり梁試験片における層間引張強度に及ぼす縫合糸の影響、第56回構造強度に関する講演会、浜松市浜北文化センター、8月、2014.
吉田拓矢、星 光、諸岡 聡、渡辺直行:4点曲げ試験による縫合複合材曲面板の力学特性の評価、日本機械学会M&M2014 カンファレンス、福島大学、7月、2014.